I can't believe that the holidays are already upon us... I am the farthest thing from a grinch but I am sad to admit that the holiday spirit hasn't quite bit me yet. This year has been quite interesting for me in a number of ways... William and I have decided to pick up the pieces and have a go again at convincing ourselves that our love makes the world go round. I know deep in my heart that William is my soulmate and to finally realize that is a beautiful thing.
a brief hospital stay earlier this year really opened up my eyes and forced me to take a better look at how I take care of myself.
Focusing on school this term has had it's ups and downs but i am looking forward to jumping back in the saddle full time in the Spring. Let me tell you...accounting and taxation...NOT FUN...
I'm not sure what next year holds, i'm not even sure what the rest of this year will bring- but I am looking forward to it with an open heart and renewed hope.
My motto for 2008 was Balance and Change- I will make sure my motto for 2009 will include my Family, William and friends...good times.good times.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
Favorite Thing of the Day 12.01.08
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Giving Thanks...
Thanksgiving - a time to reflect on the things we are truely thankful for.
1- My health, due to being hospitalized earlier this year I realize how much I took "being in good health" for granted.
2- My friends, both old and most particularly my new "girls" I met this year. They have truely come at a time in my life when I needed them most and I will always be grateful for the times we have shared and look forward to the times yet to come. I only hope that I have been as much a blessing to them as they have been to me.
3- My Love, what was once lost, has now been found.
4- My "self" - sometimes you relly have to be down in the dumps to regain focus and start anew. There is nowhere to go but up from here...
1- My health, due to being hospitalized earlier this year I realize how much I took "being in good health" for granted.
2- My friends, both old and most particularly my new "girls" I met this year. They have truely come at a time in my life when I needed them most and I will always be grateful for the times we have shared and look forward to the times yet to come. I only hope that I have been as much a blessing to them as they have been to me.
3- My Love, what was once lost, has now been found.
4- My "self" - sometimes you relly have to be down in the dumps to regain focus and start anew. There is nowhere to go but up from here...
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
If I wasn't me...
Do you ever play this game? If I wasn’t me, I’d be…… Feel free to join in!
If I wasn’t me, I’d be………..
Called….. Stella Rose
Dressed….. boho chic...long flowing skirts with jewlery that I find at flea markets.
Working….. as a philanthropist
Living….. in the European countryside or the coast of italy
Having fun….. shopping at every little antique/candle/soap shop that caught my eye, spending long afternoons at sidewalk cafe's drinking coffee
Planning….. to take a trip around the world
Dreaming….. of being a writer.
Remembering….. the moment I met Wonka and breathing the smell of his cologne
Thinking….. that love makes the world go round
Your turn!
If I wasn’t me, I’d be………..
Called….. Stella Rose
Dressed….. boho chic...long flowing skirts with jewlery that I find at flea markets.
Working….. as a philanthropist
Living….. in the European countryside or the coast of italy
Having fun….. shopping at every little antique/candle/soap shop that caught my eye, spending long afternoons at sidewalk cafe's drinking coffee
Planning….. to take a trip around the world
Dreaming….. of being a writer.
Remembering….. the moment I met Wonka and breathing the smell of his cologne
Thinking….. that love makes the world go round
Your turn!
Monday, November 3, 2008

My Couch to 5K program has come to a screeching halt since I have been stuck in bed these past few days with a cold (eventhough I am excited to use my new high-tech pedometer)- but today is Day 3 of NaNoWriMo and since writing doesnt require me to make a public appearance outside, I can hopefully stay on track with completing my novel by the end of the month. I'm keeping my "plot" kinda hush hush until it comes together more but i wlll hopefully have something to post by the end of the week.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Barack the Vote
I totally Ba"rocked" the vote yesterday !!! Because The Commonwealth allows early voting I was an "in person absentee voter" on Saturday. It was quite refreshing to see so many people in line with me yesterday doing their civic duty of democracy. Luckily I was one of the first people in line (#38 actually) so my wait time wasn't nearly as long as I had anticipated (though I did wake up at 6am to stand in line by 7:30am on a SATURDAY). I just saw on the news that the last person in the queue didn't cast their ballot until 9:30pm (after waiting in line for 4+ hours...). The election official actually said that they were averaging between 1,500 to 1,800 people PER DAY for the past week (it was actually closer to 2,000+ people yesterday since it was the last day of in person voting before the election).
I am sure that like you, I will be eagerly anticipating the poll results on Tuesday and no matter the outcome, I know that I have done my duty to make history...
I am sure that like you, I will be eagerly anticipating the poll results on Tuesday and no matter the outcome, I know that I have done my duty to make history...
Thursday, October 23, 2008
weather forescast...
autumn is the only time of year when people use the words "brisk" and "crisp" to describe the weather conditions....when they really want to use the phrases- cold as shit and freezing my tits off...
Monday, October 20, 2008
Couch to 5K

I have been on a mission to get physically fit for awhile now and this program has actually been on my "TO DO LIST" since early summer (of last year...lol). I guess the brisk autumn air could serve as a motivator to get the blood flowing and the legs moving :)
Plan is to start Week 1 this week (October 20th) and have my 5K run fall during the week of Christmas. This is 10.5 weeks (the program has guidelines for nine weeks) but this gives me a bit of flexibilty in my schedule and workout routine.
Proposed Workout days: Monday, Thursday, Sunday
1- Running Shoes and socks
2- Gloves/Headwarmer
3- Sweatpants/sweatshirt
4- Download podcasts for 5K program
5- water bottle
6- stopwatch
7- map out running/walking route and measure distance
8- register online and set up log journal
Wish me Luck !!! I am definitely going to need it....
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Sunday Seven Episode 165
Name the seven places you go most frequently each week and list the distance from your door.
1- Work- 10 miles
2- Ireland's Four Courts - 2.3 miles
3- Boyfriend's House - 15 miles
4- Cafe Asia- 2.5 miles
5- Starbucks - 1.25
6- Barnes and Noble Bookstore- 1.75 miles
7- Nordstrom- 1.2 miles
Name the seven places you go most frequently each week and list the distance from your door.
1- Work- 10 miles
2- Ireland's Four Courts - 2.3 miles
3- Boyfriend's House - 15 miles
4- Cafe Asia- 2.5 miles
5- Starbucks - 1.25
6- Barnes and Noble Bookstore- 1.75 miles
7- Nordstrom- 1.2 miles
Friday, October 17, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Irish Tiger...Take 1
so in honor of the greatest Riverdancer of all time (Michael Flaherty) and the obscene amount of time that I spend with my friends out at the pub - we have decided to invent a new alcholic shooter.... THE IRISH TIGER (cue the bagpipes and the leprechauns with their pot of gold...)
Bailey's Irish Cream
let's just say that we still need to return to the drawing board on this one... It was NOT DELICIOUS (even the bartender wished us "luck" before we drank it) and I'm pretty sure was the main cause of me sleeping ALL DAY Saturday.
Oh- Irish Tiger, you may have won this round...
Bailey's Irish Cream
let's just say that we still need to return to the drawing board on this one... It was NOT DELICIOUS (even the bartender wished us "luck" before we drank it) and I'm pretty sure was the main cause of me sleeping ALL DAY Saturday.
Oh- Irish Tiger, you may have won this round...
Monday, October 6, 2008
i love gooold.....
well I don't really love gold- i'm more of a silver person myself- but I just couldn't pass these beauties up in the consignment store...and the best thing about them (besides how fabulous i looked in them for Wonka's birthday dinner) was the fact that they were FREE !!!! Well not really free but I had some of my items sell at the consignment store so I just applied the credit to purchase them. Fabulous and thrifty...what more can a girl ask for...
it's the greatest thing to happen - since the original
HOLY SMOKES SON !!!! TRON could possibly be one of my favorite movies of ALL TIME!! You best believe that I will be battling the crowds to see this one in the theater (yes- there will be crowds).
Watching TRON just reminds me of the simple days when crappy computer graphics ruled the world and we thought things couldn't get better. Now it's all CGI and greenscreen effects but at the core of it all we owe everything to TRON.
I guess we have come full circle in a way- instead of being banished to the archieves of cinematic history, the makers of TRON have decided to embrace the computer technology that once sought to replace it. yeah i know....DEEP.
Trailer to Tron 2
Watching TRON just reminds me of the simple days when crappy computer graphics ruled the world and we thought things couldn't get better. Now it's all CGI and greenscreen effects but at the core of it all we owe everything to TRON.
I guess we have come full circle in a way- instead of being banished to the archieves of cinematic history, the makers of TRON have decided to embrace the computer technology that once sought to replace it. yeah i know....DEEP.
Trailer to Tron 2
Friday, October 3, 2008
This was posted on the DCist blog that I follow and I really almost peed my pants when I read this one. I work in the same building as ATF and Homeland Security so I hear these types of conversations often.
Overheard of the Week
In Crystal City:
An early- to mid-40s male walking down Crystal Drive, talking on a cell phone:
Guy, loudly into the phone: "(Name), the weapons are fine..."
Shouting into the phone while holding it in front of his mouth: "I SAID THE WEAPONS ARE FINE! THEY ARRIVED SAFELY!"
Overheard of the Week
In Crystal City:
An early- to mid-40s male walking down Crystal Drive, talking on a cell phone:
Guy, loudly into the phone: "(Name), the weapons are fine..."
Shouting into the phone while holding it in front of his mouth: "I SAID THE WEAPONS ARE FINE! THEY ARRIVED SAFELY!"
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Omnivore's One Hundred (FINALLY)....
So it appears that I am the only one on EARTH that hasn't completed this survey and since I got my new fancy dancy laptop I guess I will no longer have an excuse not to post something to my blog on a regular basis...This one's for Liza- since she gave me the book that changed my whole outlook on meat in the first place...
1) Copy this list into your blog or journal, including these instructions.
2) Bold all the items you’ve eaten. (I just marked mine with a Yes)
3) Cross out any items that you would never consider eating. (I marked mine with a NEVER)
4) Optional extra: Post a comment at www.verygoodtaste.co.uk linking to your results.
The VGT Omnivore’s Hundred:
1. Venison - never
2. Nettle tea - YES
3. Huevos rancheros - YES
4. Steak tartare - YES
5. Crocodile - never
6. Black pudding - never
7. Cheese fondue - YES
8. Carp
9. Borscht - never...not a huge fan of beets
10. Baba ghanoush - YES but my dislike of eggplants will probably guarantee that I will never try it again.
11. Calamari
12. Pho - YES....LOVE LOVE LOVE with chicken always perfect for a rainy day
13. PB&J sandwich - YEs
14. Aloo gobi - probably never since I am not a fan of anything curry related
15. Hot dog from a street cart - YES
16. Epoisses
17. Black truffle - YES
18. Fruit wine made from something other than grapes - YES
19. Steamed pork buns - never...though I would be more inclined to try it if there was something other then pork involved
20. Pistachio ice cream - i'm lactose intolerant but I would love to try pistachio gelato
21. Heirloom tomatoes - NEVERi'm "allergic" to tomatoes
22. Fresh wild berries - see reason for #22 but insert berries instead of tomatoes
23. Foie gras- YES
24. Rice and beans - YES
25. Brawn, or head cheese - NEVER
26. Raw Scotch Bonnet pepper
27. Dulce de leche - YES
28. Oysters - YES
29. Baklava - YES
30. Bagna cauda
31. Wasabi peas - YES
32. Clam chowder in a sourdough bowl - YES
33. Salted lassi - never...curry related item
34. Sauerkraut - YES, I think I had it on the hotdog that i got from the street vendor
35. Root beer float- never been a fan of root beer
36. Cognac with a fat cigar
37. Clotted cream tea- YES... LOVE
38. Vodka jelly - hmmm does Vodka JELLO shooters count?
39. Gumbo - YES, though I picked out all the okra
40. Oxtail - never
41. Curried goat- Never...again with the curry????
42. Whole insects- Never
43. Phaal- Never...what is it with people and wanting to try curry related items??? I don't get it...lol
44. Goat’s milk
45. Malt whisky from a bottle worth £60/$120 or more
46. Fugu
47. Chicken tikka masala- YES, this is the one curry item I have tried and it hurt my tummy which is probably where my current dislike of curry stems from
48. Eel- YES
49. Krispy Kreme original glazed doughnut- Um HELL'S YEAH SON. I could probably knock back a dozen at one time (only if they are hot though)
50. Sea urchin - YES
51. Prickly pear
52. Umeboshi
53. Abalone- Never
54. Paneer
55. McDonald’s Big Mac Meal- Yes
56. Spaetzle- Yes
57. Dirty gin martini- Yes...though my preference is for a good old extra dirty vodka martini
58. Beer above 8% ABV- Yes
59. Poutine
60. Carob chips- Yes
61. S’mores- Yes
62. Sweetbreads- Never
63. Kaolin- Rocks?? ummmmm- I guess I would be willing to try it
64. Currywurst- Never
65. Durian- can be described as having a succulent creamy filling but smelling like stinky socks...It depends on whose stinky socks they smell like...
66. Frogs’ legs- never
67. Beignets, churros, elephant ears or funnel cake- LOVE
68. Haggis- Never
69. Fried plantain- YES
70. Chitterlings, or andouillette- Never
71. Gazpacho- never
72. Caviar and blini- YES
73. Louche absinthe- YES
74. Gjetost, or brunost
75. Roadkill- NEVER EVER.......EVER
76. Baijiu
77. Hostess Fruit Pie
78. Snail- Yes
79. Lapsang souchong- Yes
80. Bellini- Yes
81. Tom yum- Yes....LOVE. I'm thinking that on our trip to thailand next year this is going to be my breakfast lunch and dinner because that's how much I love it.
82. Eggs Benedict- Yes... though I like the egg on a biscuit rather then an english muffin
83. Pocky- Yes
84. Tasting menu at a three-Michelin-star restaurant- Haven't had yet...but I would never turn down an invite if someone wanted to take me)
85. Kobe beef- YES
86. Hare- Never
87. Goulash- YES
88. Flowers- YES
89. Horse- NEVER
90. Criollo chocolate
91. Spam- NEVER
92. Soft shell crab- YES
93. Rose harissa
94. Catfish- NEVER
95. Mole poblano- YES
96. Bagel and lox- YES
97. Lobster Thermidor- YES
98. Polenta- YES
99. Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee- YES
100. Snake- NEVER
1) Copy this list into your blog or journal, including these instructions.
2) Bold all the items you’ve eaten. (I just marked mine with a Yes)
3) Cross out any items that you would never consider eating. (I marked mine with a NEVER)
4) Optional extra: Post a comment at www.verygoodtaste.co.uk linking to your results.
The VGT Omnivore’s Hundred:
1. Venison - never
2. Nettle tea - YES
3. Huevos rancheros - YES
4. Steak tartare - YES
5. Crocodile - never
6. Black pudding - never
7. Cheese fondue - YES
8. Carp
9. Borscht - never...not a huge fan of beets
10. Baba ghanoush - YES but my dislike of eggplants will probably guarantee that I will never try it again.
11. Calamari
12. Pho - YES....LOVE LOVE LOVE with chicken always perfect for a rainy day
13. PB&J sandwich - YEs
14. Aloo gobi - probably never since I am not a fan of anything curry related
15. Hot dog from a street cart - YES
16. Epoisses
17. Black truffle - YES
18. Fruit wine made from something other than grapes - YES
19. Steamed pork buns - never...though I would be more inclined to try it if there was something other then pork involved
20. Pistachio ice cream - i'm lactose intolerant but I would love to try pistachio gelato
21. Heirloom tomatoes - NEVERi'm "allergic" to tomatoes
22. Fresh wild berries - see reason for #22 but insert berries instead of tomatoes
23. Foie gras- YES
24. Rice and beans - YES
25. Brawn, or head cheese - NEVER
26. Raw Scotch Bonnet pepper
27. Dulce de leche - YES
28. Oysters - YES
29. Baklava - YES
30. Bagna cauda
31. Wasabi peas - YES
32. Clam chowder in a sourdough bowl - YES
33. Salted lassi - never...curry related item
34. Sauerkraut - YES, I think I had it on the hotdog that i got from the street vendor
35. Root beer float- never been a fan of root beer
36. Cognac with a fat cigar
37. Clotted cream tea- YES... LOVE
38. Vodka jelly - hmmm does Vodka JELLO shooters count?
39. Gumbo - YES, though I picked out all the okra
40. Oxtail - never
41. Curried goat- Never...again with the curry????
42. Whole insects- Never
43. Phaal- Never...what is it with people and wanting to try curry related items??? I don't get it...lol
44. Goat’s milk
45. Malt whisky from a bottle worth £60/$120 or more
46. Fugu
47. Chicken tikka masala- YES, this is the one curry item I have tried and it hurt my tummy which is probably where my current dislike of curry stems from
48. Eel- YES
49. Krispy Kreme original glazed doughnut- Um HELL'S YEAH SON. I could probably knock back a dozen at one time (only if they are hot though)
50. Sea urchin - YES
51. Prickly pear
52. Umeboshi
53. Abalone- Never
54. Paneer
55. McDonald’s Big Mac Meal- Yes
56. Spaetzle- Yes
57. Dirty gin martini- Yes...though my preference is for a good old extra dirty vodka martini
58. Beer above 8% ABV- Yes
59. Poutine
60. Carob chips- Yes
61. S’mores- Yes
62. Sweetbreads- Never
63. Kaolin- Rocks?? ummmmm- I guess I would be willing to try it
64. Currywurst- Never
65. Durian- can be described as having a succulent creamy filling but smelling like stinky socks...It depends on whose stinky socks they smell like...
66. Frogs’ legs- never
67. Beignets, churros, elephant ears or funnel cake- LOVE
68. Haggis- Never
69. Fried plantain- YES
70. Chitterlings, or andouillette- Never
71. Gazpacho- never
72. Caviar and blini- YES
73. Louche absinthe- YES
74. Gjetost, or brunost
75. Roadkill- NEVER EVER.......EVER
76. Baijiu
77. Hostess Fruit Pie
78. Snail- Yes
79. Lapsang souchong- Yes
80. Bellini- Yes
81. Tom yum- Yes....LOVE. I'm thinking that on our trip to thailand next year this is going to be my breakfast lunch and dinner because that's how much I love it.
82. Eggs Benedict- Yes... though I like the egg on a biscuit rather then an english muffin
83. Pocky- Yes
84. Tasting menu at a three-Michelin-star restaurant- Haven't had yet...but I would never turn down an invite if someone wanted to take me)
85. Kobe beef- YES
86. Hare- Never
87. Goulash- YES
88. Flowers- YES
89. Horse- NEVER
90. Criollo chocolate
91. Spam- NEVER
92. Soft shell crab- YES
93. Rose harissa
94. Catfish- NEVER
95. Mole poblano- YES
96. Bagel and lox- YES
97. Lobster Thermidor- YES
98. Polenta- YES
99. Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee- YES
100. Snake- NEVER
Monday, September 22, 2008
...my friends are my family. The past few days have been extremely difficult for my "family of friends" but through it all we have remained steadfast in our love and support for each other. I wont post their situations here because they aren't mine to tell but instead i will offer my heart and undying devotion to each and every one of them whenever they need it.
I am fiercely protective of the these friends that I have and I know that my life has been enriched through knowing them. I am also a firm believer that people come into your life at the time that you need them and for that I am truly thankful. These ladies have helped me through a difficult time in my life, more then they will ever know, I can only hope that I have made the same difference in their lives as well.
It's tough being fabulous on your own... I'm glad I have my girls by my side to help me through it...
in memory of Jake.
I am fiercely protective of the these friends that I have and I know that my life has been enriched through knowing them. I am also a firm believer that people come into your life at the time that you need them and for that I am truly thankful. These ladies have helped me through a difficult time in my life, more then they will ever know, I can only hope that I have made the same difference in their lives as well.
It's tough being fabulous on your own... I'm glad I have my girls by my side to help me through it...
in memory of Jake.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
vandals in the suburbs...
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
and this is the problem...
i know that some of you have been wondering why i havent blogged. notice in the picture above how I have to McGyver a freaking solution to even make my poor laptop turn on (i have to provide alternate pressure to both sides of the dumbbell at specified intervals to get beyond the startup page- it's almost like having to send a message in morse code) and im too embarassed to show all the paperclips and rubberbands and aluminum foil rabbit ears in the back of the laptop. And dont even get me started on what I have to do to connect to the wifi signal. Even as I am typing this post, my laptop must know that I am talking crap about it (since there seems to be a five minute delay between the time I type the letters and they appear on the screen- this post alone has taken two days) so I need to position myself in perfect alignment with the axis of the earth so that the keyboard works without me having to use superhuman strength (and patience)to make it all work together.
At this very moment I fear that my time in cyberspace is about to run short... I don't even think there will be enough signal for me to complete this sentan
Sunday, June 15, 2008
the big floppy hat
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
short row short socks
knitting has brought some really fabulous people into my life and for that I am really thankful. I am also thankful that I have completed my first sock using short rows for the heel (instead of that pesky heel flap that can sometimes be entirely too fussy and bulky). and I have also decided that since I am an instant gratification type of girl that I should only knit socks and hats since i sometimes can't be bothered with sleeves and other such nonsense...
Monday, May 26, 2008
political musings...
if i were to ever run for political office of any kind - this would be my platform...
judge me and i'll prove you wrong. tell me what to do and i'll tell you off. say i'm not worth it and watch where i end up. call me a bitch and i'll show you one. screw me over and i'll do it to you twice as bad. call me CRAZY but you really have no idea...
yeah- i'm already thinking of what i would wear to my first day in office, with all the fireworks and the marine corps marching band playing in the background...
but in all seriousness folks.... even if you decide not to vote for me (lol), please get out and vote in this upcoming election. people in our armed forces are out there fighting everyday to give people the same basic freedoms that we as Americans sometimes take for granted. let's not let their sacrifice be in vain (i'm stepping off my soapbox now to go and soak my feet in a nice hot bubblebath)...
too cool to segway...
i was always on the fence about taking a segway tour around the city. but after seeing a segway group today i definitley decided that it is way more corny then i thought. sorry city segway tours, i guess i'm just to cool for you...
Sunday, May 25, 2008
the happy clam....
beverages of choice.... coke classic (none of that diet crap) and corona's all around...
meet my lunch date....churchill....he never had a chance - poor bugger.....
memorial day weekend - the first unofficial day of summer. is there anything better then sharing the day with your family while knocking back a few cokes and corona's and chomping down on a few dozen crabs..... i think not my friends....i think not.
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